Monday, December 5, 2016

My first post.. 10 YEARS LATER

I started a blog back on 12/5/06 in my dorm room. As I stated in my first post, I started the blog because I used to write emails and send pictures to family and didn't want to send multiple emails saying the same things & sending the same pictures.

In 10 years so much has changed since that tiny dorm room I started the blog. No I don't have hundreds of views of my blog, or get paid to have a blog, but I don't really care.  I started the blog as as memory board and it is fun to look up any month in the last 10 years and see what was going on in my life. I think I got on the blog train before it became "popular." I did and do still post for fun, but I see so many other blogs and how they only care about increasing their blog traffic and treat it more a business than fun with perfect pictures & perfect posts.  Blogging has been my jam the last 10 years and am excited to keep going with it for now.

If you stop in to read, feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you!



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