Wednesday- my old RA came into town to visit. Rachel is in RA at Oregon State this year so I haven't seen her since summer. She is the most creative person I have ever met! She made me the cutest Christmas card ever. I miss her.

Proctered the Accounting 244 Exam 8:30-10:30 pm. Ironic because I was in the exact same room taking the exact same exam one whole year ago. As I was sitting at the front of the room, I looked at my old seat and thought to myself.. im sooo glad I am where I am at right now.
Friday night-
hung out with my baby brother!! yay! made Christmas cookies

SCHMIDT CHRISTMAS ALL DAY.. lots and lots of pictures to come for that!
tomorrow- study, study, study all day with the golf party 6 pm
did i mention i have exams all next week?!?!!?
hiya! thanks for the comment :) and enjoy EVERY minute of your last year... it FLIES by!! :) :)